Senin, 30 Mei 2011

SMW ♥ 303

How do I know? Here's the clue. Have a look at the log generated by Live HTTP headers (a Firefox add-on) below:

So, what does really happen?
  1. I send a request to dereferencing the resource (any kind of resource) URI  @ line 3. I add a content negoitation stuff on the header like line 6.
  2. The server gives a 303 response (yay!) @ line 14 and because I was asking for text/html content, the server gives a redirection to this location @ line 22.
  3. I send a second request  @ line 30 to get the text/html content (information resource) to the location as specified on the server response.
  4. I got a 200 @ line 40, voila! Now I could read the information describing the resource URI.

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